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Scoop Box Exchange - Show Box: hidebox_box 1.00

Author: hillct [Info]


This box creates those nifty box closer links like you see on Be careful with this. In order for it to operate correctly, you will need to place the call to this box inside the box template called 'box' (or whatever you're using as your main - most commonly used - box template), but in order to avoid an infinate loop, you will need to be sure that you use the box template 'empty_box' (or something other than your main box template) as the template for this box itself. The call to this box will in itself contain a variable substitution. the 'bid' variable' exists only for box templates and only in versions of Scoop 0.9-dev newer than April 6 2002

Box Code:

# Requires an image name to be defined in the variable 'hidebox_icon'
# This box should be called from within the box template 'box'
# The call should be of the form:
# |BOX,hidebox_box,|bid||
# an example box closer icon can be seen at:

### Really Start Hidebox Box ###
# Display a Box CLoser 'X' in box templates
# Version 0.1 by hillct

my $uri=$S->apache->uri;
my $arg = $S->apache->args();
$arg =~ s/hide-box=\w+//g;
$arg =~ s/;$//;
my $redirect=($arg)?"$uri?$arg":$uri;
$uri .= ($arg) ? "?$arg;hide-box=$ARGS[0]" : "?hide-box=$ARGS[0]";

if($S->{GID} ne 'Anonymous') { # If logged in
# Change the user pref for display of this box
# Redirect because we're actually running the box
$S->apache->status(301); $S->{HEADER_ONLY}=1;
} else {
# Display an 'X' with a link to 'URI' if allowed
if($S->{BOX_DATA}{$ARGS[0]} && $S->{BOX_DATA}{$ARGS[0]}{user_choose}){
$content.=qq{<a href="$uri"><img src="$S->{UI}->{VARS}->{'rootdir'}$S->{UI}->{VARS}->{'imagedir'}/$S->{UI}->{VARS}->{'hidebox_icon'}" border="0" align="right" alt="close"></a>};
return {content => $content};
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by DanielWellington on Thu Apr 09, 2020 at 05:46:40 AM PST

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money (none / 0) (#7)
by DanielWellington on Thu Apr 09, 2020 at 05:47:09 AM PST The origin of the casino is quite difficult to date. In almost every culture there are references to gambling establishments: gambling was played in Ancient Greece and Rome, in the English Republic and Napoleonic France. Long before our era there were gambling establishments in China.

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