Blog syndication taking off with new apps like NetNewsWire and websites like my.Yahoo and LiveJournal. Most blogs offer some sort of RSS feed for their site., with its gives the option of publishing ones blog in either RSS or ATOM formats. Most of the feeds available now include the HTML from the story. Tags like IMG or UL are a part of the story.
RDF (or at least the settings on my site) done publish any html tags in the story. What I end up with on my RDF file is a very long, run on paragraph with no formatting. That doesn't make for easy reading.
I'd like to write a cron that publishes my RDF file how I would like it to appear, but I dont see anything like that available in my controls. I can write a "box" to do that, but how do I write that to a file and how do I set that up in the CRON list?
I'm hosted with an ISP for my Scoop site so I dont have my own server to tinker with either.
Any suggestions?